Monday, April 23, 2012

.....full of blessings.

Full. Yes, my life is full. Full of chores, errands, homeschool and housekeeping. Its also full of blessings too numerous to count. Today, I am thankful for my five children, who also seem too numerous to count, on occasion. I'm thankful for the noise they make. It reminds me that life would be silent without them. I'm thankful for the mess they leave in their wake. It forces me to recognize my fondness for their carefree days. I'm thankful for the space they leave in the fridge at the end of the day. It fills me with compassion for those that go without. But what I'm most thankful for is the faith they each possess. Watching each of them grow and mature in their faith is humbling and awesome. Sometimes I feel like the time I spend pouring into them during the day is lost in the great abyss of living. And then, one will pull me aside to tell me something they learned about Christ, or leave a note under my pillow asking me to pray specifically for a need. It usually happens when I hit a low. When I've had a bad day or feel overwhelmed, God must look down on me, and with his loving gentle nature, gift me with a reminder of what I am missing when I wallow. 

Psalm 127:3 says "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, they are a reward from Him."

Don't miss the blessing......

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